Financial Leadership Assessment

A quick and simple assessment designed for pastors and financial leaders to evaluate how your church is aligning your finances to your mission!

Once you complete it, you’ll get a free personalized report for your church and be able to invite others from your church to take it and get a full 360 view!

Time investment: 3 minutes.

What story is your church’s money telling?

We’re Parable Accounting and Bookkeeping for Churches.

We find too many churches tell one story with their words and actions but a completely different story with their finances. This is a problem! If your finances tell a story of confusion, lack, or mismanagement, it will hinder you from doing what you believe God wants you to do as a church.

But if you can align your money with your mission, it will increase your ability to accomplish that mission exponentially. And you’ll be able to tell a better story about God’s Kingdom.

Take the assessment

About Parable

Parable is a team of financial storytellers with superpowers in accounting, bookkeeping, and consulting. We help leaders place every dollar on mission so their money can tell a better story about God’s kingdom.

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Find out if your church’s money is aligned with your mission.

Take the Financial Leadership Assessment and get your free report.

Take the assessment