“Parable has been the answer to every one of our financial problems.”
Note: The following is a lightly edited transcript of the above video.
Hi, my name is Tom Watson.
This is my wife, Deborah. We’re with Five Stones Church, and we are a brand new church that’s planting this September.
When we were going out to plant, I had a good church planting friend that came up to us and said, “Here’s a little bit of advice. When you’re planting, I want you to do three things: The first thing is pray more than you’ve ever prayed. The second thing that you need to do is stay close to your wife.
“And the third thing you need to do is go to Parable because Parable’s going to help you more than anything else that you need in this season.”
And I’m so glad he did because that’s exactly what happened. Parable has been the answer to every one of our financial problems.
I feel like I can send off that part of my brain and let them take care of that because I have so much else to do in this season. I couldn’t be more happy than we are with Parable, and I’m so glad that we took that bit of advice.