What makes a person say…
“Giving had never been so easy or so much fun in my entire life.”
Want this to be your congregation?
Bob’s Beginnings
Bob’s journey began in his early 20s. He found himself in the middle of the road with a broken down car and in the throes of financial instability. At the time, Bob lived paycheck to paycheck and rent loomed over him. He realized that his financial life resembled a house of cards, ready to tumble down at any moment. In this moment of desperation, he cried out to God for help. He desired an understanding of money and financial stewardship through a Biblical lens.
The Lotichs opened themselves to learning what God’s view on money is, and began to ask some profound, soon-to-be life-altering questions.
What does financial success look like from God’s perspective?
How do you define financial success in eternal terms?
In a culture where financial success is often equated with retiring early and toting a hefty savings account, Bob realized that his definition of success was skewed. Through studying the Bible, he discovered that true success is not measured by the amount of money accumulated. It’s measured by how much is given.
A New Way to Measure
This revelation led Bob to a significant shift in his financial mindset. A common measure of success in our world is net worth. Recognizing this, Bob began tracking his giving instead. He and his wife kept a running total of everything they gave. They believed that, if giving was their true purpose, that should be the focus of their financial tracking.
The Lotichs spent the first few years of their marriage paying off student loans, car loans, and other debts. Finally, they achieved financial freedom and had some extra disposable income each month. Consequently, they set their sights on paying off their mortgage. Shortly after, during a time of prayer, Bob sensed God calling him to give his age as a percentage of his income. In his 30s, this meant tripling his current giving rate. The Lotichs felt conflicted. Paying off their mortgage was a significant goal for them. Still, they obeyed and laid down their understanding of financial security.
“It was me having to lay down on the altar this goal that was so big for us, so important to us, to get our mortgage paid off. Which was a biblical idea, you know, to get rid of debt. But yet, I had turned it into an idol. God wanted to see if I would lay that down.”
To their amazement, their mortgage was paid off! God showed up in unexpected ways and provided financially, blessing their obedience.
Bob and his wife created a bucket of money waiting for God’s instruction. They did this by allocating a high percentage of their income to giving. It is affectionately known as their “seed account”, a testament to their faith in God’s provision.
“Giving had never been so easy or so much fun in my entire life.”
Now, in his 40s, Bob continues to give the same percentage as his age. Some years his family experiences financial stretch and others feel abundant. His journey has taught him valuable lessons about financial stewardship and trusting in God’s provision.
Watch Our Webinar with Bob

Want a few quick tips from Bob on how to talk about generosity and financial stewardship with your church? Here you go.
More About Bob
Bob Lotich is an award-winning author, podcaster, financial coach, Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®) and has been named a top-20 influencer in personal finance.
His writing and advice on financial stewardship are featured in Focus on the Family, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Inc., Beliefnet, Time, Proverbs 31, and many others.
For the last 15 years he’s shared his best lessons with over 52 million readers and listeners on his blog, SeedTime.com and SeedTime Money Podcast.
We had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Bob about his financial stewardship journey, along with snagging some great tips and resources for how pastors might talk about it with their congregation.